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. . . . . to help Heal, Nurture, Inspire, & Support  -  Mind, Body, Spirit, Heart & Soul . . . . .

 Back to The Garden 
Awareness, Intention, Wonder, Grace

Julia Woodman has also written
"A little book on Mastery"
This is also available via Amazon,

or see the BLOG here.

"No Paradox - Living both in & outside of the Matrix" is a book I have written about the Conscious Evolution of Consciousness and the web of Paradoxes in which we live.  It includes ideas for becoming more objective in order to create one's own reality instead of remaining stuck in that web and reacting irrationally to it.
It looks at theory, explores consciousness, and offers some tools. 
It's available on Amazon.

Julia is also working on another book "Back to The Garden", and you can join in with our
Back to The Garden facebook group here
and visit the website for lots more details - - [Positive stuff about how to improve Life & claim back our GARDEN - We aim to plant thought seeds via international meditation link ups, provide useful information, and enable people to participate.]

MORE ART, plus Quotes

Julia (Jay) Woodman has published lots of poetry in magazines around the world and has several collections, listed on her book page.
Also CD's & tapes.  She leads workshops in schools and at festivals.

More of Julia's art is viewable via and you might like to follow her Pinterest pages, where she also often posts art, quotes, etc.  She also publishes quotes on Goodreads.
Or you might like to take the links below 
to see some of Julia's art, designs, and photos available on clothes, household products, and other items 
- in her various shops.

"Sacred Perspectives" is another of Julia's books, currently available as a guide - plus there are many other guides & booklets.
Details of all these are on our Essence Guides Page, plus details of how to get these by email.  There are some special offers there too.

  Copyright of art,   quotes, and posts is 
 with Julia Woodman, 
  but you may re-post  
  if acknowledged  
 and / or linked back to. 

I knew when I was 3 years old that I was going to write this book one day.  See blog about it.

Julia also does large spray paintings
LIVE in festivals.

Rainbow photo mix says - "Good Vision for All in 2020"

There is lots more art on the bottom of the home page
plus there is a new collection of poetry and art - FREE to download - available near the top right of the who I am & what I do page

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